Lian Hurst Mann es la editora de la serie de documentos AhoraNow que publica el Labor/Community Strategy Center. Es miembro fundadora del Strategy Center en donde redacta, edita y produce publicaciones, da clases de teoría y trabaja para fomentar la creación de una cultura de movimientos de oposición. Como miembro del Grupo de Programas del Strategy Center, es coautora de Towards a Program of Resistance: We Make These Demands Against the Institutions of U.S. Imperialism. También fue miembro fundadora del Sindicato de la Mujer de Berkeley/Oakland y miembro del colectivo de Psiquiatría Radical de Berkeley a principios de la década de 1970.  Pasó diez años como organizadora en los talleres obreros luchando en contra del racismo y a favor de la democracia sindical (en los sindicatos de moldeadores, de caldereros y United Auto Workers) a la vez que trabajó con Movimiento y la Liga de Lucha Revolucionaria Veintinueve de Agosto (ML). Su formación profesional es como arquitecto y crítico literario; en 1996 editó con Thomas A. Dutton Reconstructing Architecture: Critical Strategies and Social Practices; y es la autora de Structures for Knowledge for Change: Architecture as Social Practice.


Lian Hurst Mann is editor of the AhoraNow document series published by the Labor/Community Strategy Center. She is a founding member of the Strategy Center where she writes, edits, and produces publications, teaches theory, and works to advance the production of oppositional culture. As a member of the Strategy Center Program Group, she is co-author of Towards a Program of Resistance: We Make These Demands Against the Institutions of U.S. Imperialism. She was a founding member of the Berkeley/Oakland Women's Union and member of the Berkeley Radical Psychiatry collective in the early 1970s.  She spent ten years as a shop-floor organizer against racism and for union democracy—in the Molders' Union, the Boilermakers' Union, and the United Auto Workers—while working with the August Twenty-Ninth Movement and the League of Revolutionary Struggle (ML). An architect and culture critic by education, she is co-editor of Reconstructing Architecture: Critical Strategies and Social Practices 1996 with Thomas A. Dutton, and author of Structures for Knowledge for Change: Architecture as Social Practice.